Ahad, 14 Februari 2016


How to Lose Weight Without Even Trying..

Losing weight takes a lot of sweat and discipline, but even when you're not powering through a treadmill interval workout or counting calories, there are a lot of simple ways to see those pounds melt away. Employ these 10 little tricks daily to help you lose weight, no gym or diet required.

1. Start every meal with a glass of water: You'll stay hydrated and feel fuller instantly, which can help prevent overeating.

2. Make a few simple swaps at every meal: Choosing a vinaigrette dressing over creamier options like Green Goddess dressing can save you 80 calories, while opting for fresh fruit instead of dried can save you dozens more. Get a list of more simple swaps to save calories.

3. Have a piece of dark chocolate for dessert: Instead of opting for the cookies in the break room, satisfy your sugar craving with a piece of dark chocolate. It may not feel quite as satisfying the first few times, but as you wean yourself off of excessive amounts of sugar, you'll be glad you're saving calories and enjoying a healthier but still decadent treat.

4. Be diligent with portion control: If you want to lose weight, stick to the right portions at every meal. Measure out snacks instead of eating them from the bag, use smaller plates to trick your mind into thinking smaller portions are more substantial, and store leftovers right away so you're not tempted to go back for seconds.

5. Move more: Even if you can’t dedicate an entire chunk of time to a workout, you can burn a few extra calories by moving a little more throughout the day. Take breaks to walk around the office, opt for the stairs instead of the escalator, and park a little farther from the office entrance to up your calorie burn.

Dan selain itu.. jom try konjac food.. eheheh..

Kita kongsi resepi mudah ek..
kita letak step by step..


 mula2 tumis cili padi dan seulas bawang putih.. sebiji bawang merah
lepas bawang naik bau.. layu skit.. pecahkan telor 2 biji..
kalau nak letak ayam daging atau makanan laut.. masukkan benda2 tu dulu dan biarkan masak sblm masukkan telur ye..
sini iolss tak letak apa2 lauk selain telor 2 biji..

 Telor tu goreng sampai masak.. nampak garing skit ye..

 Campakkan nasi konjac..
nasi ni dlm plastik.. buka plastik.. masukkan dlm tapis.. lalukan bawah air paip kejap.. dan biarkan air kering dlm tapis.. kalau nak makan nasi lonely.. kena masukkan air panas kejap dlm 5 minit ye.. pastu leh makan..

 Ok.. kacau nasi kejap..
kalau ada lebihan air.. pastikan lama skit dlm kuali ye..

 Then.. campakkan sayur mayur..

letak serbuk lada putih.. garam dan sedikit perasa..
kalau korg layan atkins.. tak perlu tambah perisa... tp iolss ni prefer nak layan tekak.. nak ada rasa sedap2.. so.. letak skit perasa sedap..

 Tara.. siap dah

Dah.. jom makan semua..
sedap kot.. 
pengamal atkins mesti nangis dpt makan ni.. 
hanya 3 carb je utk satu peket..
hanya rm5 je sepeket (200 gm konjac + 100 gm air)
Hanya 5 peket minimum kalau korg nak oder..
satu set ada 10 peket..
Ada nasi, mee dan ketiau..

Nak oder.. silakan ye..
thanks semua..

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